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About Us

Linda Rayner started her journey into the healing arts initially by training as a medical doctor- specializing in family practice.

Early on in her career, she realized that medical school had not taught her everything she needed to address issues she was having with her own health. This led her to step outside of the conventional box and start to explore treatments with alternative practitioners.

As she experienced other therapies, she started studying and incorporating these into her practice. In 2004 she became board certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine.

With more exploration, she discovered the enormous benefits of energy medicine and how it improved multiple areas of her life.

Since 2003 she has trained in a wide variety of techniques that can optimize how energy flows through and around the body. These include:

  • Specialized Kinesiology training: LEAP 1 & 2, NEPS 1 & 3; Psycho-emotional Trauma 1 & 2; SIPS 0-8, BIO, BAP, H20 & Reflex; GEMS Flow, Elemental, Dimensions & Guardian Organs
  • Soul Detective
  • Resonance Therapy (including EFT, TAT, AIT, chakra and aura work, timeline work)
  • Professional Kinesiology Practitioner
  • K-Power® instructor
  • Touch for Health
  • Eden Energy Medicine
  • Comprehensive Energy Psychology Level 1 & 2 certification classes
  • White Winds Institute for energetic healing
  • Etherikos Transpersonal Psychology & Spiritual Healing
  • Bach Flower remedies

In 2009, she started creating her own line of flower essences and crystal elixirs.

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